My 3 Must Have Essential Oils

My 3 Must Have Essential Oils

I've been using essential oils for nearly a decade and I truly couldn't imagine my life without them.
I wanted to share 3 of my very favorite essential oils here:
  • Promotes relaxation and peace
  • Soothes the skin and contributes to glowing skin
  • Increases the body's frequency
  • Activates the Crown chakra


  • Commonly used for stress and anxiety
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Soothes minor skin irritations and burns
  • Balances all 7 chakras
  • Promotes feelings of harmony
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Soothes minor skin irritations
  • Supports the immune system
  • Activates the Root chakra
I do think it is important to use Therapeutic grade essential oils and buy from reputable companies that you trust to grow the plants and distill the oils properly. 
Let me know if you have any questions about oils!
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